Avv. Federica Manfroi

Email : federica.m@slclawfirm.itINSTRUCTION
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Born in Belluno on February 17, 1986, she graduated from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan with a dissertation in Human Rights entitled “L’esecuzione delle sentenze della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo nell’Ordinamento Giuridico Italiano”* – supervisor Prof. Michele De Salvia.
A member of the Lecco Bar Association, she began her collaboration with Crea Law Firm in September 2012, gaining a significant experience in civil law – both extrajudicial and judicial. Manfroi provides her assistance in a variety of cases related to the area of family law ranging from the protection of minors, inheritance rights, rights in rem, contracts and obligations, to debt collection and lease-related problems. Her legal advice also covers the area of civil and accident liability, both extrajudicial and judicial.
Thanks to her deep interest in family law and the skills acquired in this practice area, she addresses issues related to parenthood such as the protection, custody and maintenance of children, child and adult adoption, legal guardianship and the violation of family care obligations. She also deals marital disputes, advising clients on issues including separation, divorce, cohabitation agreements, division of assets, succession, maintenance, nullity or annulment of the marriage.
Trans: “The Enforcement of the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in the Italian Legal System.”